About us


Every child deserves a chance to learn. Join our mission to provide education to underprivileged students.

Aparigraha Trust is a registered charity that was established in 2021. Aparigraha Trust is committed to the educational, medical relief, cultural, environmental, social welfare of people from the most underprivileged strata of society without distinction of caste, creed, religion, gender or color. Its emphasis is on assisting the women, youth and children who are the citizens of tomorrow and to the disabled who need a support to help them join mainstream society. Aparigraha is taken from The Yoga Sutra, describes five different yamas, including Ahinsa (non-violence), Asteya (non-stealing), Satya (truthfulness), Aparigraha (non-possessiveness), and Brahmacharya (celibacy or fidelity) which are always displayed in form of Five Petals of lotus. Our logo symbolizes our vision towards the society. Our logo design comprises a lotus (with four petals) and a human (instead of one petal) which describes Aparigraha (non-possessiveness).

Fund Raising
Good health
Fund Raising
Good health

Our Vision!

Our work seeks to break the cycle of poverty and discrimination, as well as to restore hope for a better future. We believe that everyone has the right to
resources and opportunities that allow them to live and develop in dignity, as well as to become active and contributing members of our society.

Our Mission!

We put every effort to provide self-sufficiency and education to those who had been afflicted with adversity. Our mission is to educate and healthcare for women and children.

Our Mission!

We put every effort to provide self-sufficiency and education to those who had been afflicted with adversity. Our mission is to educate and healthcare for women and children.


Make a difference today

Donate to Education

School-aged children are frequently the victims of a deteriorating financial situation.

A small fortune would enable those children to receive the education they deserve.

Donate to Child Welfare

Families can be destabilized by sociopolitical and economic factors. We aim to increase the capacity of these vulnerable families to achieve economic and social empowerment through our community outreach program, and we focus on a holistic sustainable development model that addresses the root causes of child abandonment.

Donate to Health Care

Aparigraha’s public health is a developing field that aims to prevent disease and promote community health. To address the public health challenges we face today, we must work together. Make a healthcare donation.

Donate to Women's Welfare

In India, half of the women now believe that the violence inflicted by their partner is ‘normal’. Donate to help women fight violence, stand up for their rights & live a dignified and self-sufficient life. Assist women and girls in gaining access to education, legal assistance, healthcare & employment opportunities 


We have Successfully carried out 4850 successful Campaigns.